10 research outputs found

    Commodification of Tri Datu Bracelets Talisman in Balinese Community

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    This article is the result of qualitative research with critical paradigm on two issues, the meaning of tri datu bracelet talisman as well as commodities and reasons of its use. Informants were set purposively, i.e. tri datu bracelet talisman makers, sellers, users, and religious leaders. Data collection techniques were interview, observation and document study. The data analysis followed the steps of conceptualization, the results of conceptualization, verification, and objectivation. The results show that the commodification of tri datu bracelet talisman created commodity or popular tri datu bracelet talisman refers to its position as an artifact for the fulfillment of human basic needs on security. This situation raises the creative industries of tri datu bracelet talisman. The use of this talisman is associated with the meaning of tri datu = Tri Murti = Tri Sakti = Om = Ganesha and reinforced by Pancadewata = kepeng (ancient coin). Therefore, its magical power becomes a supreme power in order to overcome danger from niskala (bhuta Kala and black magic). The joy of wearing this talisman is not only because it is easy to buy, but also because the Balinese still believe in its magical power. More importantly, Tri datu bracelet is also the identity of Balinese ethnic as the identity of hope and resistance in the context of Ajeg Bali movement

    Women as Canang Sari Street Vendors in Bali

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    Every Hindu family in Bali dedicates offerings of Canang Sari on a daily basis. The provision of the offering is not always created by them, but they buy canang sari. This has turned canang sari into a market commodity. Therefore, women have emerged as canang sari street vendors in the several towns in Bali. This study examines the reasons why women do this job, especially in Singaraja Regency. The approach of this research was qualitative study which focused on critical social theory. The results show that the reasons women do such business activities not solely because canang sari street vendors is an informal economic sector, but also it is related to the ownership of economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capitals. This reason is strengthened by the condition of Balinese who have affected by McDonaldization society so they prefer to buy canang sari rather than making it their own

    Kontribusi Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hari, Kebiasaan Belajar, Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMP Albanna Denpasar

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    This study was aimed to determine how much influence of learning in full day, study habits and achievement motivation on student achievement this research is done on Albanna secondary school in the city of Denpasar. This study examined the IX grade of Albanna student with 79 sample. This study used ex-post facto approach. The data was collected by using a Likert Scale questionnaire calibrated with test validity and reliability coefficients. The test validity is calculated by using Product Moment correlation coefficients test for normality of distribution requirements of data analysis uses Kolmogrof-Smirnov test and homogeneity of variance hmogeneity of the data with Slop Scatterplot. Linearity test uses the F test, and multicollinearity test uses linear regression module of SPSS for windows 19.00. the results shows that there are significant and positive contribution throughout the learning system on student achievement of 47,5%, 67,4% study habits, achievement motivation 50,4%, and 81,1% together

    Manajemen Pondok Pesantren Asy-syamsiyah Denpasar Bali (Kompetensi Guru Dan Bimbingan Potensi Santri)

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    This study aims to: (1) to determine the competency of teachers Pondok Pesantren Asy-Syamsiyah Denpasar Bali, (2) to determine the role of teacher-Syamsiyah Ash Boarding Schools in the guidance of potential students, (3) strategies used Asy-Syamsiyah Boarding School in overcome the problems occurred. This study used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observations, interviews and documents. This study found that pedagogical and professional competence of teachers held Islamic Boarding Asy-Syamsiyah still very low. Many teachers are still not graduate. In developing the potential of students and teachers use discussion methods provide extra learning. Boarding strategies undertaken to overcome these problems by providing an opportunity for all teachers to continue higher education, boarding school with a policy to adjust national policies. Boarding School directs students to follow the race either city level, provincial and national. Build an adequate infrastructure for the benefit of the learning process, especially classrooms, libraries and laboratories

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Kooperatif Learning Tipe Jigsaw Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Di Tinjau Dari Motivasi Berpretasi

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    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of learning model Cooperative Type Jigsaw on social study learning achievement and achievement motivation. This using The Posttest-Only Control Group Design, involving 80 students as research sample. Data obtained were analyzed using ANAVA with the help of SPSS 17.00 for windows. Instruments used were achievement motivation questionnaire and social study test. The result shows; First, there is a difference between social study learning achievement between group of students who followed cooperative learning model type jigsaw and group of students who followed conventional model (Fhitung=5,052>Ftabel=3,960). Second, there's an effect between learning model on achievement motivation and social study learning achievement (Fhitung=0,019<Ftabel=3,111). Third, there is a difference in social study learning achievement between students who followed cooperative learning model type jigsaw and students who followed conventional learning model in students who have high achievement motivation (Qhitung=11,3>Qtabel=2,95). Fourth, there is a difference in social study learning achievement between students who followed cooperative learning model type jigsaw and those who followed conventional model in students who have low achievement motivation (Qhitung=10,9>Qtabel=2,95)

    Genealogi Porosan sebagai Budaya Agama Hibrida dan Maknanya pada Masyarakat Hindu di Bali

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    Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif memakai paradigma teori sosial kritis. Masalah yang dikaji adalah genealogi porosan dan maknanya bagi agama Hindu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yang bertumpu pada paradigma interpretatif dan paradigma teori sosial kritis (Ritzer, 2012). Objek kajiannya adalah porosan sebagaimana yang digunakan pada canang sari.Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa porosan adalah simbol berbentuk budaya agama hibrida. Artinya, porosan merupakan campuran antara tradisi mengonsumsi sirih pinang (nginang) dan pemujaan terhadap Tri Murti. Hal ini dapat diabstraksikan dalam gagasan, yakni porosan/canang = pinang + sirih + kapur = merah + hitam/hijau + putih = Brahma + Wisnu + Siwa = Pencipta + Pemelihara + Pelebur = A+ U + M = OM = Tuhan. Porosan harus ada pada sesajen antara lain canang sari. Pemakaian porosan tidak saja bermakna keagamaan, tetapi juga teologi sosial, yakni pedoman bertindak mengikuti Tri Murti guna menciptakan kebudayaan berbasiskan aksiologi Hindu, yakni satyam, sivam dan sundaram. Dengan demikian terbentuk suatu budaya yang menjunjung tinggi harmoni sosial, ekologis dan teologis

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Six Thinking Hats Terhadap Kreativitas Dan Hasil Belajar IPS

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    This research aims at investigating the effect of six thinking hats method on creativity and social studies achievement. This is a quasi experiment of the Posttest-Only Control Group Design with the sample of 55 students. The gathered data were analyzed using MANOVA with the assistance of SPSS 20.00 for Windows. There were two instruments for collecting data; questionnaire of creativity and social studies achievement test. The results of the data analysis are as follows. First, the creativity between students with six thinking hats method is not significantly different with those with conventional learning (F = 0.065 and sig.= 0.799;p>0.05). Second, social studies achievement of students with six thinking hats method is better than those with conventional learning F = 15.242 and sig.=0.000;p<0.05). Third, creativity and social studies achievement of students with six thinking hats method are better than those with conventional learning (F = 2422.500 and sig = 0.000;p<0.05)

    Deconstructing Gender Stereotypes in Leak

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    The belief of Balinese people towards leak still survive. Leak is a magic based on durgaism that can transform a person from human to another form, such as apes, pigs, etc. People tend to regard leak as evil. In general, the evilness is constructed in gender stereotypes, so it is identified that leak are always women. This idea is a power game based on the ideology of patriarchy that provides legitimacy for men to dominate women with a plea for social harmony. As a result, women are marginalized in the Balinese society. Women should be aware of so it would provide encouragement for them to make emancipatory changes dialogically. Kepercayaan orang Bali terhadap leak tetap bertahan sampai saat ini. Leak adalah sihir yang berbasiskan durgaisme yang dapat mengakibatkan seseorang bisa merubah bentuk dari manusia ke wujud yang lain, misalnya kera, babi, dll. Leak termasuk magi hitam sehingga dinilai bersifat jelek. Pada umumnya perempuan diidentikkan dengan leak sehingga melahirkan asumsi yang bermuatan steriotip gender bahwa leak = perempuan. Gagasan ini merupakan permainan kekuasaan berbasis ideologi patriarkhi dan sekaligus memberikan legitimasi bagi laki-laki untuk menguasai perempuan dengan dalih demi keharmonisan sosial. Akibatnya, perempuan menjadi termarginalisasi pada masyarakat Bali. Perempuan harus menyadarinya sehingga memberikan dorongan bagi mereka untuk melakukan Perubahan secara dialogis emansipatoris

    Pengaruh Metode Mind Mapping Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Dan Prestasi Belajar IPS

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    This research aims at investigating the effect of mind mapping method on creative thinking skill and social study learning achievement. This research is a quasi experiment of the Posttest-Only Control Group Design with the sample of 64 students. The instruments used for collecting data were creative thinking test and social study achievement test. The data were analyzed using MANOVA.The result of this research show that: 1) there is a significant creative thinking skill between students used mind mapping method and those who used conventional method (Fobs = 12.71 and sig.=0.001), 2) there is a significant social study learning achievement between students used mind mapping method and those who used conventional method (Fobs = 5.865 and sig.=0.018), 3) simultaneously, creative thinking skill and social study learning achievement of students used mind mapping method are better than those who used conventional method (Fobs = 8.41 and sig.=0.001). Based on those findings, can be concluded that there is a positive effect of mind mapping method on creative thinking skill and social study learning achievement